The Polish Chamber of Commerce of Furniture Manufacturers (Polish Furniture Association) is offering international experience paid opportunity. We are searching for 3-4 Guest Services Representatives to work during HPMKT F’24 for the following duties:
- Graciously welcome our guests and dealers at front entry,
- Scan badges upon entry to showroom,
- Provide guests with information necessary to navigate our showroom,
- Act as concierge to assist quest with auxiliary needs,
- Provide point of contact assistance between guest and showroom sales staff,
- Assist with showroom floor management and merchandising during the show,
- Handing out leaflets and merchandising materials,
- Provide basic information to guest pertaining to Polish Furniture Association and exhibiting partners,
- Social Media posting.
Compensation is $20 per hour, complementary food included. Preferences to those who are available for multiply days at a time or the full duration of the show. From October 26th to 30th, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. C&D building, 201 W Commerce Ave. High Point, NC. Knowledge of polish language is welcome but not neccessery.
Showroom is dedicated to 11 companies: BIM, Black Red White, Gala Meble, Eurostocker, Intermeble, Krysiak Furniture, RAW, Spin Meble, Tudar, Wajnert, BRSTUDIO.EU.
Please contact Tomek Wiktorski at tomek@brstudio.eu
mob.: 336.410.2907